The story so far:

65 ± million years ago

life uninterrupted

Bounced around trough time and space by a malfunctioning wormhole-generator, an already battle-damaged alien spaceship is flung 65 million years into the past, hits a massive asteroid and knocks it off its path to earth where it was supposed to impact in an area that later would have been known as the yukatan peninsula.

Broken into two halves, the half of the ship with the last survivors on board is being flipped into the next universe, while the other part (with the damaged warp-engine) crashes down smack in the middle of the north-american subcontinent of this earth.

The still out of control running warp drive explodes on impact and sends out shock waves that run around the whole planet and create thousands of almost undetectable hairline fissures in the fabric of spacetime all over the world.

65 - 22.3 ± million years ago

A second chance

Since neither avian nor non-avian Dinosaurs of Earth d1n0 had perished in the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event, a new evolutionary path opened up for them.

Over geologic time, the encephalization quotient or EQ (the relative brain weight when compared to other species with the same body weight) among the dinosaurs steadily increased, and they evolved into intelligent beings.

At the same time, due to recurring climate changes as well as the rise of less nutritious flowering plants or angiosperms and rainforests spanning much of the planet, many non-avian dinosaurs adapted to a frugivorous or at least omnivorous diet which lead to an overall decrease in body size .

19 - 17.3 ± million years ago

Evolution of Dinosaurids  

The first Croa ancestors appeared between twenty-five million and twenty-seven million years ago, probably when some troodon-like creatures in North-America began to walk habitually upright.

The earliest known Sauronid lived in Alberta, Canada.

9 - 7.5 ± million years ago

The genus Boreoherpeton evolved in northern America around 9 million years ago and spread throughout the continent.

From this genus emerged the genus Croa with the appearance of Croa habilis which evolved around 7.5 million years ago, and is arguably the earliest species (on this earth) for which there is positive evidence of the use of stone tools

5 million - 80,000 ± years ago

Evolution of Croa  

The genus Croa encompasses the extant avian species Croa sapiens (modern Croa), plus several "extinct" species classified as either ancestral to or closely related to modern Croa (depending on the species), most notably Croa erectus, who appeared about 5 million years ago and was likely the first Croa species to live in a hunter-gatherer society and to control fire.

Close to 800,000 to 700,000 years ago, at around the same time as the Cro emerged in America, the also extant species Toa Dordognensis (modern Toa), emerged in Europe and Western Asia, evolved from non-avian dinosaurs.

The rapid "Out of America" expansion of C. sapiens led to the admixture with other (archaic) dinosauroid species as well as unspecified archaic American sauronids.

Separate archaic (not quite as sapient) Toa species have survived well into modern days, in conjunction with a few hybrid species.

60 million - 12,000 ± years ago

It is possible that with Dinosaurs on the agenda, our development as a species if at all would have been stunted. with the existence of Dinosaurs, large mammals, such as Mammoths or Deer or Buffalo etc. probably wouldn't have evolved. So although we could have eaten reptiles as our primary food source, we (especially in colder climates) relied on the furs of these animals to survive, and I doubt the skins of dinosaurs would be effective at keeping us warm. So this (if we coexisted) could result in us not evolving to become less hair Though they had already been around for perhaps 160 million years when the asteroid struck, mammals were marginal, small creatures and restricted to specific niches some of the small mammals around at the time might have developed into some kind of sloth or small lemur lemurs, are descended from a single primate ancestor that colonized Madagascar more than 60 million years ago non–human primates colonized Madagascar only once Over the next tens of millions of years, lemurs evolved and diversified into the most varied group of primates on Earth. Some were even the size of gorillas! The smaller species that have survived make up the present day lemurs. They are the oldest living primates left in our world, and the last living link to human’s evolutionary past. While large megafauna might not have had a chance, but bats, rodents, small carnivores and climbing primates and possums could all have been plentiful. If marmosets, langurs and gibbons had swung through the branches while dinosaurs browsed around them, might not something akin to hominids also have evolved? Some of the mammal lineages were already evolving before the extinction event, says Naish. “In view of that, you’d probably still get primates and… [perhaps] a version of humanity. Given that we evolved in a world full of giant mammals, it’s plausible.” Holtz agrees it’s a possibility: “You could have had some tree-dwelling primates that, as grasslands expand, they move into that habitat and become the pseudo-humans of this alternative universe. And just as our ancestors had to deal with sabretooth cats and big antelope, these guys would have to deal with the dromaeosaurs and abelisaurs.” islands, such as Madagascar, Mauritius and New Zealand, are dominated by people would be living underground or have extremely fortified villages or log house type of buildings. Things would have been engineered differently, it would be a different world completely. We would make much more use of caves, and underground systems. I imagine jungle habitats would be quite common being apelike. I imagine the larger, more threatening dinosaurs are less powerful in a sea of large trees. I'm not sure how technology would've advanced- if we would've ever have made it to the industrial age without a society that was more than clusters of humans spread out in safe areas.

some species of ceratopians and hadrosaurs have been domesticated, used to pull huge loads of minerals and lumber. A small compsognathus-like omnivourous dinosaur has become to appear as a pet.



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